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sharing blessed tea from the universe

Home: Welcome


My name is Laurynn and I am the founder of Blessed Tea Tarot. I have been reading cards for almost 10 years now and have been communicating with spirit my entire life. I am a fully certified psychic & medium from the Aurora Centre of Wellbeing. 

I am a double cancer sun and moon with a capricorn rising. It has long been my dream to help people by sharing the insights I receive from the universe and the spirit world. I feel so lucky to be able to receive these insights and I hope everyone who is guided to my page will get the wisdom they need. 

If you're here, you're in exactly the right place. Whether you stumbled across my website, or were led here from my socials on instagram or tiktok, it was no accident that you found me. I feel truly blessed to have the gifts I do and you're here because I can help you in some way. I'm looking forward to working with each and every one of you. 


Home: About


Home: Services


guidance at home

Book an online zoom reading for the face to face experience in the comfort of your own home. 
You are free to choose if you want a general reading or are looking for insight into a specific area e.g. love, career, family.



at your convenience

Frequently utilized by many of my clients, this service has been a savior on many occasions. If you can't commit to a live reading, or your schedule is just too busy to fit it in, opt for an e-reading. All I need is your name and you will receive a pdf document with all the details from your reading in your inbox within 2-3 working days. This allows even the busiest people to get the guidance from the universe they need.

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Home: Contact



+31 (0)6 437 80964

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